play makAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dullCopyright 1984-1996 Claris Corporation and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. HBAM3016AUG95 Pro 2.0 - 2.1F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0 USENGLSH.MPR Spelling C ADDRESS1 C ADDRESS2 *C BUSINESS NAME WITH FULL NAME FOR LINKING C CITY C FIRST NAME C FULL NAME C LAST NAME C PHONE 1 C PHONE 1 EXT C PHONE 2 EXT C STATE C ZIP CANCEL FIND REQUESTS CD INTRO SENT CITY LIMITS? CLIENT CLIENT BEEPER CLIENT BILLING RATE CLIENT EMAIL ADDRESS CLIENT EMAIL BILLING FORM CLIENT EMAIL DOMAIN NAME CLIENT EMAIL IP ADDRESSES CLIENT EMAIL LOGIN CLIENT EMAIL NETNEWS CLIENT EMAIL NOTES CLIENT EMAIL PASSWORD CLIENT EMAIL PHONE NUMBER CLIENT EMAIL POP 'CLIENT EMAIL SECURITY WORD TECH SUPPORT CLIENT EMAIL SERVICE CLIENT EMAIL SMTP CLIENT FAX CLIENT LOGON NAME CLIENT LOGON PASSWORD CLIENT PROSPECT CONTRACT CPHONE2 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CATAGORY A CUSTOMER INFORMATION CATAGORY B EC VERSION FIRST CONTACT HARDWARE HOST DRIVE NAME HOST FMP VERSION HOST OS INTERNET SENT INTRO PRINTED LAST CONTACT Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter bVeReWfTm 11/5/99 Standard - w/ owner information Standard - w/ messages Standard - w/ notes A%Standard - w/ owner information print Standard - w/ messages print Standard - w/ notes print Internet Settings A POC setup POC setup 2 POC setup 3 Import Standard - w/ map List - client poc tele email about Avery 5160 List selection List - client poc address List - poc address Standard - w/ owner informationB MAP LOCATION MODEM TYPE NETSCAPE 4.5 EMAIL SENT NETSCAPE MAINT SENT NEWSLETTER NOTES OUTLOOK EXPRESS EMAIL SENT PHOTO PRINCCONTACTTITLE RAM ALLOCATION SENT RECORD REFERAL RENTAL PRICING SENT S-CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY SERVICE DATE SERVICE NOTE SOFTWARE STATUS FOUND COUNT STATUS RECORD COUNT STATUS RECORD NUMBER SUM PURCHASES SUPPORT CONTRACT PRINT DATE SURGE SENT TECH SUPPORT TITLE TODAY LINK TODAY'S DATE TRAVEL FEE AMT TRAVEL FEE QUALIFY V FED TAX ID V HARDSOFT t V PH EXT. V ST TAX ID VACCOUNT VNOTES WEB SITE XMAS? clientB C first nameB First contactB S-contract anniversaryB C Address1B C Address2B C CityB C StateB C ZipB A C Phone 1B Client FaxB NotesB Last contactB CPhone2B C last nameB hardwareB service noteB service dateB recordB referalB Client email addressB timeB client beeperB client prospectB Prospect Client Billing rateB TitleB xmas?B princcontacttitleB vaccountB vbbsB v fed tax idB v hardsoftB uA v ph ext.B vnotesB v st tax idB tech supportB vwebB Today's DateB intro printedB PhotoB Client logon passwordB Client logon nameB Client email phone numberB Client email serviceB Client email passwordB Client email billing formB A'Client email security word tech supportB web siteB Client email loginB Client email notesB C phone 1 extB modem typeB Client email POPB Client email SMTPB Client email netnewsB Client email domain nameB Client email IP addressesB city limits?B Ram Allocation sentB CD Intro sentB Netscape Maint sentB Surge sentB Internet sentB Rental pricing sentB Cancel Find RequestsB Travel fee qualifyB "yes" "no") Travel fee amtB softwareB support contract print dateB contractB sum purchasesB status found countB status record countB status record numberB Netscape 4.5 email sentB Outlook Express email sentB C full nameB m & " " & & " " & A*C business name with full name for linkingB Today LinkB host OSB host fmp versionB host drive nameB map locationB newsletterB C phone 2 extB EC versionB customer information catagory AB customer information catagory BB 1.0.9 &", " & Standard - w/ messagesB NOTES CUSTOMER INFORMATION MESSAGES This database was created by After Hours Consulting, the sole owner of this work. No part of this database may be copied or distributed without the expressed written permission of the owners of After Hours. Principle (F,L) Address Address City St Zip Fax / Pager Email Occupation Web Site About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved. Find All Clients INTERNET or New Phone 1 Phone 2 Paste Labels Standard - w/ notesB MESSAGES NOTES This database was created by After Hours Consulting, the sole owner of this work. No part of this database may be copied or distributed without the expressed written permission of the owners of After Hours. About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print This database was created by After Hours Consulting, the sole owner of this work. No part of this database may be copied or distributed without the expressed written permission of the owners of After Hours. Principle (F,L) Address Address City St Zip Occupation Find All Clients INTERNET 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. or New Fax / Pager Email Web Site Phone 1 Phone 2 CUSTOMER INFORMATION Paste Labels )A%Standard - w/ owner information printB MESSAGES NOTES About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print CUSTOMER INFORMATION This database was created by After Hours Consulting, the sole owner of this work. No part of this database may be copied or distributed without the expressed written permission of the owners of After Hours. Principle (F,L) Address Address City St Zip Occupation Find All Clients INTERNET 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. Newsletter or New Fax / Pager Email Web Site Phone 1 Phone 2 Paste Labels Standard - w/ messages printB CUSTOMER INFORMATION Principle (F,L) C Address1 C Address2 City St Zip Phone (1,2) Fax / Pager Email Occupation Web Site Client Information 76Confidential information - release to this client only Standard - w/ notes printB Occupation Email Fax / Pager Phone (1,2) City St Zip C Address2 C Address1 Principle (F,L) Web Site MESSAGES Client Information 6Confidential information - release to this client only HelpB Occupation Email Fax / Pager Phone (1,2) City St Zip C Address2 C Address1 Principle (F,L) Web Site Client Information 6Confidential information - release to this client only NOTES Internet SettingsB This database was created by After Hours Consulting, the sole owner of this work. No part of this database may be copied or distributed without the expressed written permission of the owners of After Hours. About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print NOTES CUSTOMER INFORMATION MESSAGES INTERNET This is a help file for your POC database. The database is designed to assist you in keeping track of your clients by point-of-contact name, along with suppling that information to the appropriate integrated databases, such as billing invoices and the contact manager, Message. To select the file of choice, use the upper tier of buttons in the Navigation bar. A greyed-out button is inactive. Support files, such as this one, are not indicated on the bar since you do not conduct direct oB perations from support files. The second tier of buttons affect the records in the open file. By selecting New, Find, List or the navigation arrows, one can conduct operations on the existing record or page through all found records. New records are generated with the new button, where you will be lead through the setup process for creating and entering a new point of contact. The print button will either print the current information or bring you to a print menu. Additional menus for viewing information related tBUo this client is accessable from catagory or tab buttons, such as the lit ones below. Specialty buttons permit inspecting linked information or specialty layouts, or editing commands. Underlined items also harbor links to related layouts. Return Clients Import Paste 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC All Rights Reserved. or New 2A POC setupB MAP LOCATION These internet settings are the special phone numbers and access codes which allow the client to get on the net to use their email and web browser software. Each service provider has different settings. This note is not specific to any one package, but is generalized so you have a record of the codes necessary to restore their services. Select the internet service from the ISP pull down menu (hit the select button). If this is a new ISP, go to the vendor db and fill in the appropriate information first. Client internet service provider (ISP): Phone number for access: Client log on identification: logon password (case-sensitive): Client email ID (often same as logon): email password (often same as logon): The modem (and applicable initialization string): Client security word for ISP tech support: Domain name is: DNS or IP addresses: There are many email packages (Emailer, Eudora, MS Mail, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mailsmilth, and more). Usually, one needs to find the options or preferences pages to find the appropriate fields for the information given below. Also, the incoming and outgoing settings must be correct and exact from the provider. Misc. settings (normally in lower case): SMTP host = POP info = POP user ID = usually the email ID without the @(provider string), lower case. es: News = Client email address: select About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print OTPPP Print FreePPP Client: Clients Return 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. Paste or New POC setup 2B Principle (Title, F, L) Address Address City St Zip Phone 1 Fax , Pager Email Address Occupation or Position Web Site About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print Clients Please select the name of the client or prospect for whom you are adding or editing the POC information: Please enter the following fields as completely as you can. For the Principle, there are fields for the POC s title, first name, and last name, along with their position or occupation. Press the TAB key to begin. After filling a field, advance to the next field by selecting the TAB key again. When all data has been entered here, select the Continue button to continue with the iB nterview process or the Done button if you have finished entering in your data. You may return to edit this information at any time from within the Clients file by selecting the Edit button. 9BInterview: Adding or Modifying Basic Client Information - POC data Continue Status Find All 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. or New Example: Mr. Paul Vail Owner PMB 167 5910-129 Duraleigh Road Raleigh, NC 27612 919-271-7479 ext 001 810-816-6707 33ff 33ff 33ff Phone 2 Paste POC setup 3B About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print Clients You are editing the POC information for the client If you have a photograph of the client or a scanned image of their business card, this page provides for importing the image into ExpertConsultant. Imported graphics can be in any of these formats: JPEG, Tiff, GIF, or Pict. We recommend a low-resolution JPEG or GIF to keep the overall size of the database optimal. Slower platforms, such as non-PowerPC Macs or Pentium II systems may take a few seconds to image the file. To add a sca ,nned image of this POC, select the Import button, then select the appropriate file in the dialog box which appears. To remove the photo, select the Remove button. To Continue with the next step in the Interview, select the Continue button. If there is no further information to add, select Done. BBInterview: Adding or Modifying Basic Client Information - POC data Continue Import Remove 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. ImportB This database was created by After Hours Consulting, the sole owner of this work. No part of this database may be copied or distributed without the expressed written permission of the owners of After Hours. About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print Find All Clients Principle (F,L) Address Address City St Zip Occupation lThis is the information as you have entered it. You may correct any mistakes by selecting the errant field above, or select the Photo button to return to the graphic import page. If you have finished setting up this file, select the Done button. You will be taken to the standard owner information page where you may enter particular information about this POC. Photo 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. Fax / Pager Email Web Site Phone 1 Phone 2 Standard - w/ mapB 1999 After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved. 'Expert Consultant POCs - Import feature This window permits the initial setup or importation of POC data from previous versions of EC or other business database software. To use EC effectively, most users prefer to keep records of their clients (obvious information such as name and address, and not so obvious information such as customer preferences, inventories, notes, billing rates and so forth. EC is designed to support businesses that supply corporate customers as well as the consumer market. To effectively do so, and r educe the amount of effort in creating and maintaining duplicate information, the POC file works in tandem with the Client file. You will need to conduct separate imports for each file in your current solution. Reference the owners guide for additional details. To import records from previous versions, we strongly suggest referring to the owners guide or printing out the instructions with the button below. Then, select the Start Import button. To forego using the POC file, select theCN Cancel button. To enter the POC file at any tme, select the Finished button. When the import has finished, please inspect your new records for accuracy. To start the import, select the import button below. You may leave the import process by selecting the Finished button. Start Import Finished Print instructions Cancel List - client poc tele emailB NOTES MESSAGES This database was created by After Hours Consulting, the sole owner of this work. No part of this database may be copied or distributed without the expressed written permission of the owners of After Hours. Principle (F,L) Address Address City St Zip Occupation About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print Find All Clients INTERNET map location 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. or New Fax / Pager Email Web Site Phone 1 Phone 2 CUSTOMER INFORMATION Paste Labels aboutB AboutB Message InvoiceE ProductsF PurchaseG Vendors Close Print ListR Find AllS ClientsT Undo[. After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved.` Copyc Pasted Client with full POC namee Phone 1f eMail addressi Labels Avery 5160B ABGN>> << ABAC>> << ABBC>> ABAF>> ABAI>> ABAJ>> << ABAK>> << ABAL>> List selectionB Expert Consultant v 1.2.9 1998, 1999 After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved. D.This copy of Expert Consultant is licensed to: Expert Consultant is a commercial package and is not for free distribution. Individual and network site licenses are available. Contact us for additional details. After Hours Consulting Technical Support: 10-5 EST PMB 167, 5910-129 Duraleigh Road voice 919-271-7479 Raleigh, NC 27612 USA fax 810-816-6707 email: on the web at: GAiWARNING: This solution contains password(s) which may only be provided by the developer identified above. Clients Invoice Message Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Clients About Expert Consultant This is a FileMaker Pro database, designed to aid the small business professional track their clients, vendors and operation on the Macintosh. Expert Consultant is a standalone solution based in FileMaker 3.0.5. For complete features, the support files must be installed in your system folder or a commercial version of FileMaker Pro should reside on your hard drive. xhooser About List - client poc addressB About Message Invoice Products Purchase Vendors Close Print Clients Find All 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. or New Paste P,Display POC information by which categories? Q&Client name with POC, telephone, email Client name with POC, address Point of Contact with address Labels List - poc addressB AboutB Message InvoiceE ProductsF PurchaseG Vendors Close Print ListR Find All FPTHA alisA FPTH@ MSPC@ RPTHA alisA FPTH@ alisA FPTHA MSPC@ alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA ClientsT Undo[. After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved.` Copyc Pasted Client with full POC namef Addressk Labels AboutB Message InvoiceE ProductsF PurchaseG Vendors Close Print ListR Find AllS ClientsT Undo[. After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved.` Copyc Pasted Point of Contactf Addresso Labels After Hours Find Client from Invoice Find Client Easy Go To Related Record | message return to original layout sort and print email/fax 2"sort and print local address/phone sort by zip code sort by client name sort by phone 1 sort by email sort by poc last, first spelling unlock zoom import old data Import picture Remove picture return to client from setup J'message: create new record from clients print import instructions open map new record setup, prospect Prospect goto products goto invoice goto PO sort by zip code open vendor about open messages open learning log open timecards Find Client from Invoice Find Client Easy Go To Related Record | message first record last record previous record next record spelling return to original layout sort and print email/fax ) = 0 ;A"sort and print local address/phone print notes print messages print inventory startup ) < 1 OKresh wind Cancel ]There are no current records in the POC file. You may import old records or select "Finish" to start without data. Remember: you should enter POCs by beginning in the Clients file.C9 = "Network" Network unlock zoom goto client Import picture Remove picture return to client from setup print import instructions MA)new record setup, existing client new POC open map sort by client name import old data Cancel 9K5(9K-JYou are about to begin the Import process for POC. Your source file should be prepared (Find All, if appropriate). You may cancel in the next window, but do not cancel once the importation has begun.B Cancele You have just imported data to POC. Please review the new records for accuracy. QA'message: create new record from clients Cancel Q!s!s!q!.)n!) Ooops, create a new POC entry from the Clients file... sort by phone 1 sort by email sort by poc last, first print labels Cancel You are about to print the selected group of records in a format using Avery 5160 labels. Please insert your label sheet(s) into the printer now. startup goto client goto PO goto invoice open vendor goto products open messages open timecards open learning log about new record setup, prospect first record previous record next record last record )new record setup, existing client new POC print messages print notes print inventory print labelsels B"#B@ B"#B"$ 4"2$B"#B"#C 2$""#B"#C0 4"2#B"#C0 2$B"#C0 4""#C0 44444 CCCCC 44444 CCCCC $42" ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww "%UR UD33D wwwwww ffffff DDDDDD 333333 w"23' 2!{w~ R!{wB +r$r!w{~ ""'r!{w~ r!ww~ 'w!w|~ ""q|{~ -"!{y~ +"!yy )RPTH FPTHA)Q:APPS:1PAUL:AFTER HOURS:AH PRODUCTS FILE MSPCA NAMEA AH products file RPTHA :AH PRODUCTS FILE ZONEA +RPTH FPTHA+Q:APPS:1PAUL:AFTER HOURS:AH BILLING INVOICE MSPCA NAMEA AH billing invoice RPTHA :AH BILLING INVOICE ZONEA +RPTH FPTHA+Q:APPS:1PAUL:AFTER HOURS:AH PURCHASE ORDERS MSPCA NAMEA AH purchase orders RPTHA :AH PURCHASE ORDERS ZONEA "RPTH FPTHA"AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH VENDORS MSPCA NAMEA AH vendors RPTHA :AH VENDORS ZONEA /RPTH RPTH FPTHA Personal:After Hours:AH Messages MSPCA NAMEA AH Messages RPTHA AH Messages ZONEA Personal AH Messages wFMP3FMP3 After Hours Personal:After Hours:AH Messages Quadra 660AV Personal Quadra 660AV Personal ;RPTH FPTHA;Personal:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH service/contact MSPCA NAMEA AH service/contact RPTHA AH service/contact ZONEA FPTHA/AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH MAC CATALOG DATABASE MSPCA NAMEA AH Mac Catalog Database RPTHA :AH MAC CATALOG DATABASE ZONEA 4RPTH FPTHA4Duo 280:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Timecards MSPCA NAMEA AH Timecards RPTHA AH Timecards alisA Duo 280 AH Timecards +OFMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 4Duo 280:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Timecards 3RPTH FPTHA3Duo 280c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH vendors MSPCA NAMEA AH vendors RPTHA AH vendors ZONEA alisA Duo 280c AH vendors FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 3Duo 280c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH vendors alisA Personal AH service/contact qFMP3FMP3 AH database/accting ;Personal:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH service/contact (LIST LISTA?Apex Creedmoor Durham Garner Marysville Raleigh Wilmington VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( (LIST LISTA Client Prospect Vendor VDEFA( (LIST LISTA&Mr. Pastor VDEFA( (LIST LISTA Exempt 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:billing.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA billing.fp3 RPTHA billing.fp3 alisA After Hours billing.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:billing.fp3 4RPTH FPTHA4Duo 280c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Messages MSPCA NAMEA AH Messages RPTHA AH Messages alisA Duo 280c AH Messages 0FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 4Duo 280c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Messages 0RPTH FPTHA02300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH vendors MSPCA NAMEA AH vendors RPTHA AH vendors alisA 2300c AH vendors FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 02300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH vendors :RPTH FPTHA:After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:products.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA products.fp3 RPTHA products.fp3 alisA After Hours products.fp3 {WQFMP3FMP3 AH database/accting :After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:products.fp3 1RPTH FPTHA1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:billing.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA billing.fp3 RPTHA billing.fp3 alisA After Hours billing.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database 1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:billing.fp3 :RPTH FPTHA:After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:purchase.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA purchase.fp3 RPTHA purchase.fp3 alisA After Hours purchase.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting :After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:purchase.fp3 -RPTH FPTHA-2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:vendors MSPCA NAMEA vendors RPTHA vendors alisA 2300c vendors FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting -2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:vendors 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:macspec.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA macspec.fp3 RPTHA macspec.fp3 alisA After Hours macspec.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:macspec.fp3 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:message.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA message.fp3 RPTHA message.fp3 alisA After Hours message.fp3 0FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:message.fp3 2RPTH FPTHA22300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:Learning Log MSPCA NAMEA Learning Log RPTHA Learning Log alisA 2300c Learning Log FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 22300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:Learning Log /RPTH alis FPTHA/2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:Timecards MSPCA NAMEA Timecards RPTHA Timecards alisA 2300c Timecards +OFMP3FMP3 AH database/accting /2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:Timecards 1RPTH FPTHA1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA clients.fp3 RPTHA clients.fp3 After Hours clients.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database 1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 Duo 2300c After Hours Paul S Vail After Hours 1RPTH FPTHA1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA clients.fp3 RPTHA clients.fp3 After Hours clients.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database 1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 Duo 2300c After Hours Paul S Vail After Hours 1RPTH FPTHA1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA clients.fp3 RPTHA clients.fp3 After Hours clients.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database 1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 Duo 2300c After Hours Paul S Vail After Hours /RPTH alis FPTHA/After Hours:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA setup.fp3 RPTHA setup.fp3 alisA After Hours @ setup.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database /After Hours:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database:photos:POCphoto.jpg MSPCA NAMEA POCphoto.jpg RPTHA :photos:POCphoto.jpg alisA After Hours POCphoto.jpg PICTDAD2 photos 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database:photos:POCphoto.jpg 1RPTH FPTHA1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA clients.fp3 RPTHA clients.fp3 alisA After Hours clients.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database 1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 /RPTH alis FPTHA/After Hours:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA setup.fp3 RPTHA setup.fp3 After Hours @ setup.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database /After Hours:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 Duo 2300c After Hours Paul S Vail After Hours -RPTH FPTHA-Little Blue:After Hours :AH database:map.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA map.fp3 RPTHA map.fp3 Little Blue map.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database -Little Blue:After Hours :AH database:map.fp3 After Hours Little Blue After Hours Little Blue -RPTH FPTHA-Little Blue:After Hours :AH database:map.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA map.fp3 RPTHA map.fp3 Little Blue map.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database -Little Blue:After Hours :AH database:map.fp3 After Hours Little Blue After Hours Little Blue 2RPTH FPTHA2After Hours:After Hours :AH database:zipcodes.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA zipcodes.fp3 RPTHA zipcodes.fp3 ZONEA alisA After Hours zipcodes.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database 2After Hours:After Hours :AH database:zipcodes.fp3 (RPTH alis FPTHA(3400:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA setup.fp3 RPTHA setup.fp3 ZONEA ,P setup.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database (3400:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 RRPTH Aalis FPTHAR3400:After Hours :Development :Expert Consultant development :1.0.8:clients.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA clients.fp3 RPTHAA::Development :Expert Consultant development :1.0.8:clients.fp3 ZONEA clients.fp3 FMP3FMP3 1.0.8 R3400:After Hours :Development :Expert Consultant development :1.0.8:clients.fp3 *RPTH FPTHA*3400:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA clients.fp3 RPTHA clients.fp3 ZONEA clients.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database *3400:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 *RPTH FPTHA*3400:After Hours :AH database:vendors.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA vendors.fp3 RPTHA vendors.fp3 ZONEA vendors.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database *3400:After Hours :AH database:vendors.fp3 +RPTH FPTHA+3400:After Hours :AH database:timecard.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA timecard.fp3 RPTHA timecard.fp3 ZONEA timecard.fp3 ?FMP3FMP3 AH database +3400:After Hours :AH database:timecard.fp3 +RPTH FPTHA+3400:After Hours :AH database:learnlog.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA learnlog.fp3 RPTHA learnlog.fp3 ZONEA learnlog.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database +3400:After Hours :AH database:learnlog.fp3 *RPTH FPTHA*3400:After Hours :AH database:vendors.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA vendors.fp3 RPTHA vendors.fp3 ZONEA alisA vendors.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database *3400:After Hours :AH database:vendors.fp3 FMRLA SORTA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA SORTA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA Billing History | DateC Billing History | HoursD Billing History | DetailE MessagesF clientsG setupI zipcodesJ vendors (LIST LISTA Pig97 pig98 VDEFA( (LIST Hayes Optima 28.8 () Hayes Compatible 28.8 enhanced rockwell-based 28800 V.34/ (AT&f&D0W2) US Robotics Sportster 336/fax, AT&F1&D0 GV33.6, (rockwell AT&f&d0w2) Apple Duo Express 14.4 (ATV1E) Duo Geoport Telecom Adapter (AT&fW0, 38400) Motorola LifeStyle 28.8 (ATF1\V3&D0) Performance 33.6 (AT&F&D0&C1\N3S7=60W2 (hayes compatible 28.8 enhanced)) GV PowerPort Gold (AT &F &D0 W2 \N7 \Q3 \J0 \V1) GV Powerport 500/Duo (AT&f, 38400) GV External 56K (AT&F1&D0) GV G3 internal 56K (W2) GV TeB leport Platinum () Fastmac V.34 28.8 (Rockwell based AT&f&D0W2) US Robotics 28.8 (AT&F1&D0) Best Data Smart One 33.6flx (AT&F0) iMac 56K internal SupraExpress 56K (AT&F1) IPNR router (see installation notes) VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( (LIST LISTA email do not send VDEFA( CTownCity ListB CState ListC CZip ListD client prospect vendor ListF Title ListG Tax Status ListH xmas? 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